
The ??c![@@diagram@@@@] <rows> ??c![] command is provided as an alias for || <rows> || centered in math mode and ??c![] changes it to use || ... | syntax. |v2| sets a special internal `old matrix' flag such that trailing |
| are ignored and entries starting with |*| are safe.

( matrix )

( @@@diagram@@@@#1@@diagram@@@@@@@diagram@@@@@@#1

@@@diagram@@@@@ @##1##2@true ##1##2@##1##2@true /u.8ex/##1##2 =** -@ >?>*< <;?<*<;484>>


@@#1#23 @#3@diagram =** -@ >?>* <;?<*@;@@diagram@@@@@#1#2@Put \string around \begin...\end within diagrams


@ )

??c![] is ignored because the matrix feature always outputs progress messages.

Finally the version 2 ??c![] and ??c![] spacing commands are emulated using || and ||:

( @#1@#1 @#1@#1 )